Counselling in Cambridge

Helping you improve your health and wellbeing, overcome difficulties and move on from the traumas of your past. All in a safe environment, with a non-judgemental therapist.

Counselling disponibile anche in italiano (madrelingua italiana).

Get in touch Meet Francesca

Radio interview

BBC Radio Cambridgeshire interviewed me about Valentine's Day. Hear my take on one of the most romantic days of the year, the expectations around it and how best to approach it.

New normality, new you

New normality, new you

After more than two years of pandemic, going through difficult and uncertain times, we might struggle with our mental well-being, with our relationships or other issues. We have faced many challenges and now we have to deal with a "new normality", but what is it? What does it mean for you and for the people around you? For your career, your future.

If you'd like to work on yourself, be more self-aware and confident, work on your relationships, on new plans and new choices, please don't hesitate to contact me. We can work together to fulfil your potential and your goals in life.

I am offering 60-minute webcam sessions or 45-minute telephone counselling sessions for individuals or couples. I use different platforms, easy to access from a laptop, a tablet or a mobile. Feel free to contact me for an assessment or more information.

Low mood and depression counselling

Low mood and depression counselling

Depression is a real illness that can be diagnosed by a GP. It comes with real symptoms, both mental and physical. It's not a sign of weakness or something you can get over just "pulling yourself together".

When you're are depressed, you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, no matter what is going on around you. The feelings that accompany depression could be unhappiness, hopelessness, numbness, losing interest in things and being tearful.

Counselling can help you understand where depression comes from and give you the chance to change your outlook. Gradually, you'll start to look at the future again in a brighter way and appreciate the good things in life.

Relationship counselling

Relationship counselling

Whether you're encountering difficulties in a new or long-term relationship, trying to get over a failed relationship or looking for a new one, counselling can help.

All relationships have their ups and downs, and require constant adjustment of plans and expectations as partners deal with each other, and with life's obstacles and challenges. A relationship counsellor can be a vital support, improving communication, increasing trust and minimising the difficulties of emotionally charged situations - from affairs to divorce, from sex to separation.

Relationship counselling can help you understand what you're looking for from a relationship, examine and learn from experiences in the past, and look to the future new-found confidence and increased self-awareness.

PTSD counselling

PTSD counselling

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition triggered by frightening or distressing events, either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms could be sleeping problems, uncontrollable thoughts about the event, nightmares or flashbacks, feeling of isolation, irritability, guilt, severe anxiety, numbness and lack of involvement with reality. They can vary overtime or vary from person to person.

Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and good self-care they usually get better. If the symptoms get worse and interfere with your day-to-day functioning, you may have PTSD.

Counselling can help analyse the event from different points of view, find coping strategies and deconstruct the experience to help overcome the trauma.

Bereavement counselling

Bereavement counselling

Bereavement is the period we spend adjusting to loss. It's a time of confused and mixed feelings - denial, despair, guilt, sadness, bargaining and anger - all at once.

There's no fixed time for bereavement, no right or wrong way to feel. We all have to find our own way to cope with it. Sometimes it can be very difficult to adjust to the loss of somebody important, as it touches so many areas of your life, your beliefs, and your very way of being.

Bereavement counselling can provide invaluable support during this difficult time: helping you make the necessary adjustments, find acceptance and move forward in life.

Stress and anxiety counselling

Stress and anxiety counselling

Stress is a perfectly normal reaction that affects everybody from time to time. When you're under pressure or feel overloaded, your ability to cope is often diminished.

The root cause could be external factors such as life experiences, traumas or the incessant demands of a busy schedule. Or it could be internal factors such as thoughts that swirl around in your head: low self-esteem, worry, uncertainty or unduly high expectations of yourself.

Anxiety is more persistent than stress, and the causes are often more difficult to identify. It can lead people to imagine the worst and even think they're losing their sanity because of some psychological condition.

Counselling can help remove the negative effects of stress and anxiety, and identify the root causes. You'll learn how to cope, and to make the necessary changes to move on.

Meet Francesca

I'm Francesca Amor, a fully accredited psychotherapeutic counsellor for individuals and couples and supervisor based in Cambridge. I work with people from all walks of life, regardless of sexuality, sexual orientation, gender, culture, race, age or religion.

I'm non-judgemental, empathetic and approachable (but don't take my word for it - see the testimonials below). My 'integrative' approach means I'm trained in all major therapies and blend them to best suit your individual needs.

I have additional training in couples counselling and worked at Relate for a few years. I am a counsellor and trustee at Evolve counselling, the community counselling charity, a volunteer bereavement counsellor and supervisor with Cruse and am trained in sexual abuse in childhood. I have experience working with depression, low moods, stress and anxiety, self-motivation, trauma and more.

To get started, contact me today to book an initial assessment. Lasting an hour, it's an informal, confidential session that'll help us understand how we can work together.

Get in touch


Professional, knowledgeable and warm-hearted

I learnt with Francesca's guidance to reflect and understand myself better. Over time I began to look at life differently and felt more positive and able to deal with the issues I was facing.

At all times she was professional, knowledgeable and warm-hearted.

- Mr T

Mi ha messo fin da subito a mio agio

Francesca è stata un'ottima professionista che mi ha messo fin da subito a mio agio, ascoltandomi e dialogando apertamente anche su temi e problematiche che spesso è difficile affrontare con semplicità.

Il suo supporto e i suoi consigli mi sono stati di grande aiuto in un momento difficile della mia vita.

- Mr O

Immediately put me at my ease

Francesca was a consummate professional and immediately put me at my ease, listening to me and talking openly about topics that are often difficult to deal with.

Her support and advice were a great help to me at a difficult time in my life.

- Mr O

Un grande aiuto nel riacquistare fiducia in me stesso

Il percorso intrapreso con Francesca mi e’ stato di grande aiuto nell’affrontare un momento difficile della mia vita e nel riacquistare fiducia in me stesso.

In Francesca ho trovato una persona empatica e professionale con la quale mi sono sentito libero di parlare dei miei problemi senza essere giudicato, ma anche piena di consigli pratici su come affrontarli e superarli

- Mr P

A great help to regain self confidence

Counselling with Francesca has helped me to face a difficult time of my life and regain self confidence.

Francesca has been an empathic and professional therapist and I have been able to talk about my issues without feeling judged, she has given me even some practical advices and tools to help me in the process.

- Mr P

Massive positive differences to my life

I found the counselling I had with Francesca invaluable and so worthwhile. The counselling has helped me to look at things clearer and in different light. Francesca has equipped me with the tools to manage my anxiety.

Thank you so much for helping me to make massive positive differences to my life.


- Mrs E

Top 10 Tips for Happiness

Happiness is a state of mind, not an ever-receding point on the horizon. And sometimes, all it takes is a small change in your way of thinking to yield some big results.

It could be something as simple as a sticky note on your computer monitor or fridge.

Don't believe me? Click here!

Sticky notes are number 5 in my Top 10 Tips for Happiness - simple tactics that will change your outlook and lift your mood. You'll be surprised at just how effective these strategies are when you're dealing with life's little ups and downs.

Download the list, print it out, share it with friends. Because happiness shouldn't be a secret.

I am worth it
I can do it
Download Top 10 Tips
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