Low mood and depression counselling

Low mood and depression counselling

Depression is a real illness that can be diagnosed by a GP. It comes with real symptoms, both mental and physical. It's not a sign of weakness or something you can get over just "pulling yourself together".

When you're are depressed, you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, no matter what is going on around you. The feelings that accompany depression could be unhappiness, hopelessness, numbness, losing interest in things and being tearful.

Counselling can help you understand where depression comes from and give you the chance to change your outlook. Gradually, you'll start to look at the future again in a brighter way and appreciate the good things in life.

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Un grande aiuto nel riacquistare fiducia in me stesso

Il percorso intrapreso con Francesca mi e’ stato di grande aiuto nell’affrontare un momento difficile della mia vita e nel riacquistare fiducia in me stesso.

In Francesca ho trovato una persona empatica e professionale con la quale mi sono sentito libero di parlare dei miei problemi senza essere giudicato, ma anche piena di consigli pratici su come affrontarli e superarli

- Mr P

A great help to regain self confidence

Counselling with Francesca has helped me to face a difficult time of my life and regain self confidence.

Francesca has been an empathic and professional therapist and I have been able to talk about my issues without feeling judged, she has given me even some practical advices and tools to help me in the process.

- Mr P
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