Stress and anxiety counselling

Stress and anxiety counselling

Stress is a perfectly normal reaction that affects everybody from time to time. When you're under pressure or feel overloaded, your ability to cope is often diminished.

The root cause could be external factors such as life experiences, traumas or the incessant demands of a busy schedule. Or it could be internal factors such as thoughts that swirl around in your head: low self-esteem, worry, uncertainty or unduly high expectations of yourself.

Anxiety is more persistent than stress, and the causes are often more difficult to identify. It can lead people to imagine the worst and even think they're losing their sanity because of some psychological condition.

Counselling can help remove the negative effects of stress and anxiety, and identify the root causes. You'll learn how to cope, and to make the necessary changes to move on.

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Mi ha messo fin da subito a mio agio

Francesca è stata un'ottima professionista che mi ha messo fin da subito a mio agio, ascoltandomi e dialogando apertamente anche su temi e problematiche che spesso è difficile affrontare con semplicità.

Il suo supporto e i suoi consigli mi sono stati di grande aiuto in un momento difficile della mia vita.

- Mr O

Immediately put me at my ease

Francesca was a consummate professional and immediately put me at my ease, listening to me and talking openly about topics that are often difficult to deal with.

Her support and advice were a great help to me at a difficult time in my life.

- Mr O
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